The package is available from the command line with the moamosaic
Its usage is described below.
usage: moamosaic [-h] [-i INFILELIST] [-n NUMTHREADS] [-b BLOCKSIZE]
[-d DRIVER] [-o OUTFILE] [--co CO] [--nullval NULLVAL]
[--omitpyramids] [--monitorjson MONITORJSON]
[--outprojepsg OUTPROJEPSG] [--outprojwktfile OUTPROJWKTFILE]
[--xres XRES] [--yres YRES] [--resample RESAMPLE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Text file list of input images
Number of read threads to use (default=4)
Blocksize in pixels (default=1024)
-d DRIVER, --driver DRIVER
GDAL driver to use for output file (default=GTiff)
-o OUTFILE, --outfile OUTFILE
Name of output raster
--co CO Specify a GDAL creation option (as 'NAME=VALUE'). Can
be given multiple times. There are sensible default
creation options for some drivers (GTiff,KEA,HFA), but
if this option is used, those are ignored.
--nullval NULLVAL Null value to use (default comes from input files)
--omitpyramids Omit the pyramid layers (i.e. overviews) and
statistics. These are included by default
--monitorjson MONITORJSON
Output JSON file of monitoring info (optional)
Output Projection Options:
Default projection matches the input files. The following options are used
to specify something different. Use only one of --outprojepsg or
--outprojepsg OUTPROJEPSG
EPSG number of desired output projection
--outprojwktfile OUTPROJWKTFILE
Name of text file containing WKT of desired output
--xres XRES Desired output X pixel size (default matches input)
--yres YRES Desired output Y pixel size (default matches input)
--resample RESAMPLE GDAL name of resampling method to use for reprojection